Managed charging - A primer

The benefits of considering grid load and power availability when charging electric vehicles

  • Publication
  • Factsheet
The benefits of considering grid load and power availability when charging electric vehicles

This fact sheet explores the topic of managed charging for electric vehicles, including associated technologies, potentials and policy options. The management of the charging process in line with the current status of the power system can reduce charging costs for consumers and accelerate the grid connection of private charging stations. In addition, managed charging enables a higher share of renewables.

Given the right policies and regulations, managed charging will reap considerable benefits for electric vehicles and for the power system as a whole. While past discussions have focused on perspectives native to the energy sector, this fact sheet serves as a general primer for all interested parties. In addition to summarising current regulatory plans, it offers recommendations for the successful adoption of managed charging in Germany.

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Bibliographical Data

  • Authors

    Fanny Tausendteufel

  • Publication number


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  • Release date


  • Number of pages


  • Citation

    Agora Verkehrswende (2023): Managed charging – A primer. The benefits of considering grid load and power availability when charging electric vehicles

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  • Event

    Dutch-German Networking Event on Bidirectional Charging


    Niederländisch-deutsches Netzwerktreffen zu bidirektionalem Laden


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