Byencit Duncan


Project Coordinator

Byencit  Duncan

Byencit Duncan is leading the Net Zero Village (NZV) project at PAM Africa to solve energy and mobility poverty. She has conducted research in the E-mobility sector in Nigeria, contributing to two market intelligence reports (2022 and 2023) and business case studies for the sector. Byencit also organized the first E-mobility conference in Nigeria. In her previous role as Senior Associate, Research (Lead E-mobility Portfolio) at Clean Technology Incubation and Acceleration Foundation, she made significant contributions to the advancement of electric mobility solutions in Nigeria.

As a trained economist, she is committed to energy and mobility transitions through framework and policy designs. Her research interests encompass a wide range of areas, including Climate Change, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Sustainable Transport, Labor Economics, Economic Growth and Development, Renewable Energy, and Policy Making.


Short interview

What are you currently working on – and what goals do you want to achieve with it?

I am working on the Net Zero Village (NZV) project to close the energy gap and contribute to energy and transport transitions in Nigeria.

What's an important take-away from the fellowship for your work?

Transitions and transformations typically start with small, intentional steps taken by all the stakeholders involved.

Which insight was most surprising to you?

A clear plan should be developed that outlines the role of each stakeholder involved.

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