Costs and Travel Choices in a Three Revolutions World

Breakfast Meeting with Lewis Fulton

  • Event
  • Place: Berlin
  • 31.05.2018, 02:03 - 02:03
Photo: Steffi Niemzok Photo: Steffi Niemzok

Automation, electrification and shared mobility – Lewis Fulton, co-author of the UC Davis and ITDP report “Three revolutions in urban transportation” coined the debate on the transformation of the transportation sector worldwide. The analysis from UC Davis and ITDP shows that the Three Revolutions in Urban Transportation could not only lead to large scale greenhouse gas emission reductions, decongested streets, more urban space for other uses and improved livability in cities, but also to a significant reduction in urban vehicle transportation costs of up to 40% globally by 2050.

However, in a Three Revolutions World plunging out-of-pocket transportation costs will also pose new questions and challenges to urban decision-makers. How will low-priced shared, electric and automated mobility services impact on existing public transportation modes? How do non-monetary costs, such as time and convenience factors, affect travel behavior? What is the role of pooled rides to ensure a positive outcome of the Three Revolutions and how can pooling be incentivized in a low-cost mobility scenario?

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Event details

Costs and Travel Choices in a Three Revolutions World

Breakfast Meeting with Lewis Fulton

31.05.2018 | 02:03 - 02:03

Agora Verkehrswende
Anna-Louisa-Karsch-Str. 2
10178 Berlin

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Alexander Jung

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